Monday 25 April 2016

Bonorong in Bloom ボノロンが咲いている!

Spring had come, spring has come, where has it come? To Bonorong! The wisteria is blooming and you can see heaps of flowers of other colours, too.

Monday 18 April 2016

新学年の始まり Start of the new school year

Hello! 今月から新学年が無事に始まりました。去年のToddler Class (3歳クラス)から上がってきた生徒さんは午前中のクラッスから午後になって初めて一人で教室に入りました。先生に慣れていますから授業中に窓の向こうのママたちを一度も見なかったですよ!



他のニュースとしては ボノロン天空の間で「ゆるべじ」クッキングクラスがありました。季節の野草&お野菜を使って今回のメニューは   ふきとレモンのライス、スギナ・セリ・ノビル入り餃子チジ、 カシューナッツマヨサラダ、じゃがいもケーキ   でした。健康的でとてもおいしかったです!月一回第二金曜日に行いますので興味がある方はボノロンまでお電話ください(054 624 5342)。下のクッキングレッスンの写真をご覧ください!

Hello.This month the new school year started smoothly. Students from last year's Toddler Class had the class time change from morning to afternoon and went in the classroom by themselves for the first time. As they are used to the teacher, they didn't once look at their mothers on the other side of the window, during the lesson!

The new grade 1 junior high school students were nervous at first butI think they were relieved to realise that the basics of English that they had learnt at Bonorong until now would be useful for their junior high school studies. The other classes students also received their new textbooks and enjoyed their first lesson.

This year let's  enjoy English and increase our English skills together, both new students and students continuing from last year!

In other news; we held our first vegetarian cooking class at Bonorong since the beginning of the new school year. Using seasonal ingredients the menu was- butterbur and lemon rice,  Japanese parsely, field horsetail, and 'nobiru' pancake, cashew nut mayonnaise salad, and potato cake. It was healthy and delicious. Classes are held once a month on the second Friday of the month. Please contact Bonorong if you are interested. Have a look at the pictures of the cooking class, below.